best comments
Yuri Shevchuk
The “Kokhom shooter” who killed a man is acquitted
The most unpleasant sounds
About burglaries
natural migration
Answer vc.ru in "Why money stink more often"
Sochi - the capital of Armenians on the road
Danya Milokhin at SPIEF 2021
Reply to Eve's post
Continuation of the post "Blow off the roof"
My first electric guitar
My first electric guitar
Hit a pensioner for fun
What do your children listen to?
Another zoomr@z asserts itself at the expense of the dog
Peppy route for weight loss
Peppy route for weight loss
Reply to the post “How do you cope with the realization that the country is screwed?”
Makarevich burns like arc welding
Reply to the post "Switched to Rostelecom and was stunned from the first day"
Offended a believer
Reply to the post "The pensioner unexpectedly returned to the apartment and found that her granddaughter decided to organize a registration there"
How annoying
The most ridiculous excuses caught cheating on their wives
The most ridiculous excuses caught cheating on their wives
The most ridiculous excuses caught cheating on their wives
MMA fighter from Dagestan with a speaking surname Garun Debirov sent a Russian guy into a coma for not giving way to him
natural migration
And so every year
jeRaff's answer to "For people who grew up in poverty, what did you consider a luxury then?"
Inadequate buyer with Avito
Ukraine of a healthy person
Reply to the post "Yuri Shevchuk"
Reply to the post "Yuri Shevchuk"
Question for Pikabu users
Let's take it! Christmas tree for 39,000 rubles
Reply to the post "Yuri Shevchuk"
Reply to the post "Yuri Shevchuk"
The aunt is dragging the kitten on a leash.
What do your children listen to?
Peppy route for weight loss
Russian or Jewish?
Action star Dolph Lundgren reveals he has cancer
Zhivoder from Vyazma. I bathed the kitten in boiling water, and stuck a balloon from under the hair filling into the throat
When I came from Dagestan to Moscow and got on any bus