leskaleska comments

06-June-2017 Tuesday
The first media have already picked up!

09-May-2017 Tuesday
Can a teacher force you to participate in a competition?

12-February-2016 Friday
Wife's envious laugh

04-February-2016 Thursday
Cattle destroyed the quest room because of difficult tasks

18-January-2015 Sunday

09-December-2014 Tuesday
"In my time, ninth-graders looked different..." part 2

09-December-2014 Tuesday
"Whoever you are, thank you"

03-December-2014 Wednesday
""My 90-year-old grandmother sent a vest that she made herself for me to wear to "parties""

03-December-2014 Wednesday
Since the stories about public transport have begun

25-November-2014 Tuesday
Leave the mourning team was not

06-July-2014 Sunday
We just took a picture of our cat when we played with him

26-June-2014 Thursday
a small addition to my previous post http://pikabu.ru/story/_2416832

25-June-2014 Wednesday
The best club photo I've seen

05-June-2014 Thursday
beneficial effect

04-June-2014 Wednesday
betrayal, or am I an idiot?

31-May-2014 Saturday
General Terebonkus
