worst comments
Yazhemat and Yazheotets against pedestrians
The most interesting and joyful day for the children of the Soviet Union.
The most interesting and joyful day for the children of the Soviet Union.
Authorities are trying to take away eight children from a single father
That's genius
Dmitry Medvedev does not exist
The time of "mind-blowing" tales, or how Svidomo shares news.
According to the Yarovaya law: Deprive citizenship! Judge!
Who told you that?
Influence of Peekaboo
Influence of Peekaboo
Who told you that?
Pikabushniks of Kostroma, respond!
Bearing ball under hydraulic press
Baptism of a child
Once there was such a booze ...
Talking about the percentage of "normal" Ukrainians in Ukraine
Peekaboo what are you doing ...
Baptism of a child
Influence of Peekaboo
Influence of Peekaboo
About Goa, India.
About Goa, India.
The speed of sound in a vacuum
The speed of sound in a vacuum
The speed of sound in a vacuum
Minibus driver