legioneroff comments, page 19

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20-July-2023 Thursday
To complete the NWO, you just need to stop pumping gas through Ukraine. However...

16-October-2022 Sunday
I want to switch to Linux

07-December-2018 Friday
Please help with ubuntu 18.04

17-September-2018 Monday
Linus Torvalds steps down temporarily as Linux Coordinator

10-May-2018 Thursday
Help the child learn

10-March-2018 Saturday
Teeth whitening

14-February-2018 Wednesday
Why I hate Linux so much

14-February-2018 Wednesday
A resident of Moscow wanted to exchange 35 million rubles for dollars, but changed it for breakfast in a cafe.

08-February-2018 Thursday
Sand vests in German schools

07-December-2017 Thursday
Your son would knock your teeth out...

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