12-May-2024 Sunday
"Happy" father
23-April-2024 Tuesday
Reply to the post “Have I really fallen in love with someone else?”
09-April-2024 Tuesday
Bastrykin about migrants
05-April-2024 Friday
The unreal beauty of Russia
15-March-2024 Friday
Why do you need an official marriage?
04-March-2024 Monday
Answer Myr0slava in “About medicine. Where did we take a wrong turn?”
25-February-2024 Sunday
About congratulations
14-February-2024 Wednesday
Typical masturbator, living with his parents, peekaboo 9 years 3 months, watches NSFW, reads about DNA tests and is glad that he is not a sucker or a deer
28-January-2024 Sunday
Long hair, short mind
26-January-2024 Friday
Reply to the post “The boy lived alone in an apartment for two years when his mother abandoned him, but he went to school and was an excellent student”
17-January-2024 Wednesday
Everything has changed
17-January-2024 Wednesday
How do I understand him?
16-January-2024 Tuesday
Reply to the post “The institution of marriage is dead”
16-January-2024 Tuesday
A bit of specific humor of the blind
15-January-2024 Monday
Post about female meanness
14-January-2024 Sunday
My wife was hesitant about the household work - he suggested an alternative
11-January-2024 Thursday
Reply to the post “Women want men to suffer without sex”
11-January-2024 Thursday
Human stupidity
10-January-2024 Wednesday
I'm a gaming addict
10-January-2024 Wednesday
Isn't it time to legalize prostitution?