best comments
Answer 4YXHA in “Prestigious profession”
"My husband is a bodybuilder."
About turnover
Response to the post "What you need to know about the "civilized" Chechens"
How your Chinese car will rot, or discarded millions
Response to the post "What you need to know about the "civilized" Chechens"
American drone made in Iran
Animals are tormented
Quiet Don
Mother's friend's son
Pool cap
Hydrogen sulfide and people
Reply to the post “Why did the markets decide to collapse?”
The repairmen made a mistake and the plane flew upside down
Reply to the post “What misconceptions in life did you learn about very late - 2”
Not a salt cave, but a bladder
LaoTheLizard's answer to "Again about Dagestan"
I miss Ikea
Mash: A gypsy pogrom has begun in the Urals due to the murder of a female taxi driver
Reply to the post "I am from Kazakhstan"
How the Vladivostok police work
An Uzbek, whom Dagestanis mistook for a Jew, recorded a comic video
Maybe well them, bananas
11ore11's answer to "Why are teeth so hard-priced?"
Reply to the post "Friendly Parent Chat"
Response to the post "The main loser of the Internet today"
Buying a car
Muslims and alcohol
In America, it is not customary to remember this. And in Japan too...
The system is defeated
The repairmen made a mistake and the plane flew upside down
News from the neighbors, but hello
Comments of indigenous Dagestanis under a post about the murder of an Orthodox priest in Derbent by terrorists
Response to the post "Gypsies attacked a police station after arresting a slave-owning relative near Rostov"
About adequate people
LaoTheLizard's answer to "Again about Dagestan"
+1 mother phobia
Answer Anonymous in "Again about Dagestan"
It's a Trap!
I want to play a game with you!
Reply to the post “UAZ Patriot”
Equivalent exchange (?)
Blinovskaya's assets worth 64 billion rubles were arrested
Someone was left without an order
All is not lost yet, or while some are talking, others are doing!
How we saved Kruzak (and sank KAMAZ)
Trust but check
Reply to the post “280% overpayment...”
Double standard
Reply to the post "Replayed"
Tragedy in Almaty
Reply to the post “Life is Pain”
Bosyndar, sіzdi azastanda ktpaydi
Mortgage repayment/default advice
Car insurance in Kazakhstan
Thanks to Putin)))
Thanks to Putin)))
Sore fingers
Reply to the post "Mom's friend's son"
Japanese translator needed.
Hydrogen sulfide and people
LaoTheLizard's answer to "Again about Dagestan"
LaoTheLizard's answer to "Again about Dagestan"
We've been plowed into this apartment all our lives.
LaoTheLizard's answer to "Again about Dagestan"
Reply to the post “YouTube Slowdown”
About good people
How to profitably reduce a mortgage in Kazakhstan?
Kazakh language in Kazakhstan
Tsar, very nice to meet you.
Bite My Shiny Pipe Bender or a Story About One Automation
Attempted divorce at the SBER branch
Size matters
Reply to the post “Why did the markets decide to collapse?”
Educational post
Japanese stock market crash
Do you remember how you woke up as a child, ran to watch cartoons, turned on the TV, and there they were?
Reply to CHLORINE17 in “IOC President said he doesn’t know how to tell a man from a woman”
This is different
We drove into oncoming traffic - deprivation of rights