laruala comments

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25-October-2019 Friday
Out of the kindness of my heart

20-October-2019 Sunday

14-October-2019 Monday

03-October-2019 Thursday

27-September-2019 Friday
Aggressive tutor

01-September-2019 Sunday
12 of the most idiotic requests from ER patients

20-August-2019 Tuesday
A Florida man donated 100 gallons (378 liters) of blood in 22 years.

07-August-2019 Wednesday
But they told me so...

06-August-2019 Tuesday
The task was for the dog to run up to the owner and sit in front of her.

06-August-2019 Tuesday
how i met your neighbor

27-July-2019 Saturday
Dialogue on the Belarusian-Lithuanian border.

12-July-2019 Friday
How the owner of the hotel responds to criticism

03-June-2019 Monday
Sberbank, what are you?

20-February-2019 Wednesday
Impunity or lynching, what to choose?

11-February-2019 Monday
Green Corridor

15-November-2017 Wednesday
How to save 110 euros

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