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The choice is not a boy, but a wise man
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Drunken migrants in St. Petersburg tried to kill two men - they decided to stab passers-by with skewers
The only one in Russia scored 300 points on the exam
How to make decent money in Russia or in IT after 30
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Breast test results - what should the doctor do?
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Completed training as a programmer 1s
How do you find friends?
Report number one: Where do wizards live? Or the answer to the post "Old laptops for a rural school"
Reply to the post "Another way to scam a realtor"
Experience living with stunning views of the Neva in St. Petersburg
"Your daughter is alive. The dog is no more." Three staffers gnawed the mattipa in the hands of the girl, while the owner of the staffs looked at it
How do you drink coffee in the morning?