08-August-2017 Tuesday
Genius draw.
28-July-2017 Friday
Looking for information.
18-July-2017 Tuesday
Door from nowhere, door to nowhere.
05-January-2017 Thursday
Look into my soul...
14-November-2016 Monday
Power is in the truth.
11-November-2016 Friday
Morning in Nizhny Novgorod
08-November-2016 Tuesday
When there are more questions than answers... o_O
27-October-2016 Thursday
Help with dating
27-October-2016 Thursday
How I figured out the AirWick air freshener secret
26-October-2016 Wednesday
Worthless programmer
17-May-2016 Tuesday
When you watch the match of Belarus, but the book is more interesting
20-October-2015 Tuesday
About the ban on the sale of alcohol on Fridays