kusland comments

01-October-2022 Saturday
The Karamuruntau Ridge - the sleeping dragon of the Saraktash region, Orenburg region

18-May-2021 Tuesday
Survived ... how to behave correctly

05-February-2021 Friday
Post #8001747

17-May-2019 Friday
Breakfast in 15 minutes

14-September-2018 Friday
master trick

30-January-2016 Saturday
1992 in 10 minutes

24-January-2016 Sunday
When the name already works for you

31-July-2015 Friday
Marketers 80 level

27-June-2015 Saturday
The authorities of Yakutia propose to recognize alcoholic beverages as drugs

06-March-2015 Friday
Savchenko asked me to provide her with a balanced diet." ©lenta.ru She went nuts, starving.

26-December-2014 Friday
The difference between Russia and Ukraine

23-February-2012 Thursday

25-December-2011 Sunday
Here it is!!! Salo of my dreams
