16-October-2018 Tuesday
We also thought that this is not the case.
16-October-2018 Tuesday
15-October-2018 Monday
Conversations in Russian
14-October-2018 Sunday
And then I realized why.
06-October-2018 Saturday
My medical history
02-October-2018 Tuesday
When you want to be cool
30-September-2018 Sunday
Another Venice.
28-September-2018 Friday
27-September-2018 Thursday
Blablacar is long dead
26-September-2018 Wednesday
Sberbank spoke about the lunch of a Russian in Monaco for 895 thousand rubles
16-September-2018 Sunday
Iceland - how to see everything in a short time
13-September-2018 Thursday
There are no debts, but we will not remove the arrest ...
13-September-2018 Thursday
Post about unscrupulous customers.
10-September-2018 Monday
Camp psychology: human processing in death factories
26-August-2018 Sunday
Gouda cheese
20-August-2018 Monday
Suddenly: collectors sued
16-August-2018 Thursday
There is communism somewhere.
12-August-2018 Sunday
What's inside the police car?
02-August-2018 Thursday
Beach in Italy
18-July-2018 Wednesday
How in the central state dentistry of Moscow they are bred for the money of patients with mandatory medical insurance