kstantin comments, page 53

[53] [52] [1]

07-December-2024 Saturday
An ambulance took you away from the scene of an accident - does that mean it left the scene of an accident?

04-December-2024 Wednesday
Information about anime blocking in Russia

02-December-2024 Monday
Reply to the post "Your face when the vile Stalin enslaved your people"

01-December-2024 Sunday
This happened to me too

28-November-2024 Thursday
Reply to the post “Challenge of Kindness”

27-November-2024 Wednesday
I'll give myself some motivation

24-November-2024 Sunday
Fanservice cosplay of Mother Miranda from Resident Evil 8 by Lady Melamori

14-November-2024 Thursday
Canada Doesn't Publish Names of Nazis Settled in the Country Because of Ukraine

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