best comments
In my opinion, the first rows received purely aesthetic pleasure)))
When she worked under the tsar...
Conversation with wife
"...I'll eat you."
I do not understand
O! Divorce! (No)
Like a knife to the heart - "Makhaon" continues its dirty work
Teenage girl dying of cancer froze herself for the future
What is the trio for?
There are two types of people.
Sorry if boyan.Medicine.
5 signs you were lied to as a child:
We didn’t communicate for several years, and then suddenly a song on the wall and the question: “How are you?”
"I won't bother you."
Course in economics. Babkin's grandson, and grandmother Vanga
Are you a client of your company?
About iron and principles
About iron and principles
As a former Sberbank employee, I support advisers ...
factory canteen
Burger King: secret surveillance, lies, theft of bank cards.
And let's try...
Canadian neighbors
"Hugs" ^_^
Good advice
Even boars against terrorists!
So-so fact!
I looked in the piggy bank, and there ...
My wife's old calculator doesn't work in bad light, I tell her to use your phone. But I meant something completely different.
In France, schoolchildren were left without smartphones
Another tweet on twitter
How a colleague bought an iPhone in installments
How I Became a Father.
South Park everyone! Is free!
Read the writing sequence in comics
Old fairy tales in a new way.
A case from real life or how an American was taught Russian obscenity.
Man of Steel
Such work ...
Teenage girl dying of cancer froze herself for the future
List of strange American things
From a stormy youth)) Decent girls should not read!
How to respond to freeloaders
Alexa voice assistant will appear in refrigerators and cars
Textures are broken
Owl Party Manifesto
When she worked under the tsar...
Are you a client of your company?
Do not check what is written on the Internet
cute insects...
A case from real life or how an American was taught Russian obscenity.
Such work ...
What is higher education for?
About how people take an iPhone on credit
Installing Linux
Old fairy tales in a new way.
Such work ...
The master is coming to you!
Here zadolbali with this logic.
Here zadolbali with this logic.
What would happen if the world was one village of 100 people
What would happen if the world was one village of 100 people
Mystery mail.ru
Video games with a strange mismatch of heroes
What a twist))
10 most important laws that come into force on January 1, 2016
"...I'll eat you."
The son I'm proud of.
We need to let off some steam.
See label.
This is very unfortunate, ladies and gentlemen.
How I Became a Father.
Maybe they have a crisis because they are stupid?
The most correct use of pendants from the evil eye
Met me on the subway today!
Russia and Nigeria
Humor with Peekaboo walks around the country
Humor with Peekaboo walks around the country
The plant with the most romantic name.
Russia and Nigeria
This little guy looks like he's ready to pour you 100 grams at his bar.
Lived ...
1:0 in favor of VTB
How God Created Animals
You don't need smart
Here zadolbali with this logic.
- "Today I decided to transplant the tree into another pot"
What is higher education for?
About kidalovo in retail.
Evening in the hut
Far future
Russian orphans from the church
If possible.
How can that be???
Humor with Peekaboo walks around the country
Tree with wishes in a pedagogical university
Owl Party Manifesto
Russia and Nigeria
How a colleague bought an iPhone in installments
How a colleague bought an iPhone in installments
More about the priest with expensive shoes
More about the priest with expensive shoes
positive about the police
Creating a family of sick people
Hello from the Army
Solving the problem of clogged public transport in the morning
Attention to detail
Girls, this post is for you.
We learn English.
now on the bus
10 most important laws that come into force on January 1, 2016
10 most important laws that come into force on January 1, 2016
What does the Buddha want?
Retailer vs City Hall 1-0
Like a knife to the heart - "Makhaon" continues its dirty work
Extinct species
school friend zone
school friend zone
Photo for important negotiations.
Who are all these people?
How to respond to freeloaders
Girls problems
How a colleague bought an iPhone in installments
Describe how you can
McDonald's once again ridiculed hipsters
About new windows...
What is the trio for?
What is the trio for?
In the league of her laziness
Your facial expression...
Cat weight meter
For readers
Poland strong
Action of unprecedented generosity from Sberbank
Not many will remember