worst comments
Sorry Russia, I have no other opposition for you
Journalist Ruslan Kotsaba brutally trolls right-wingers in court.
Unknown people spoiled Kyiv's Nazi holiday
Now everything is correct.
It is the people of Kiev who pass the stones to the protesters, with which they maimed and killed Berkut.
Unknown people spoiled Kyiv's Nazi holiday
Unknown people spoiled Kyiv's Nazi holiday
Non-fascism. Just two photos.
Now everything is correct.
For example, I love being Belarusian
Now everything is correct.
Unknown people spoiled Kyiv's Nazi holiday
Now everything is correct.
Now everything is correct.
Now everything is correct.
Unknown people spoiled Kyiv's Nazi holiday
Unknown people spoiled Kyiv's Nazi holiday
Good plot
Elections in Belarus. The CEC announced the first results of the elections: for Lukashenka - 89%, in second place - the candidate "against all"
Elections in Belarus. The CEC announced the first results of the elections: for Lukashenka - 89%, in second place - the candidate "against all"
The Traveller Notes
For some it's a holiday, for some it's Monday :)
The logic of J.J. Abrams
Patriotic fashion
I just thought ...
News from Vatnik: Armored across Donetsk. How the locals greet us...
Ukrainian soldier
realistic spiderman
Peace to the world