kotmurych comments, page 3

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19-May-2022 Thursday
Response to the post "Talking head" Azov "Kalina surrendered"

17-May-2022 Tuesday
Estonian Foreign Ministry summoned Russian ambassador after Zakharova's statement

28-April-2022 Thursday
Will there be sanctions against Poland?

18-April-2022 Monday
Such will be the death of all Lyakhs: 136 ways of execution for the victims of the Volyn massacre

10-April-2022 Sunday
State Duma Deputy Adam Delimkhanov in an interview with RT - about NATO instructors stuck in Mariupol at Azovstal

31-March-2022 Thursday
The US does not want a "rapid acceleration" of energy imports from Russia to India

30-March-2022 Wednesday
The application stopped downloading posts via WiFi

26-March-2022 Saturday
You are for the protection of a foreign country, but not ours.

24-March-2022 Thursday
In Poland, demolished the obelisk to the fallen for the liberation of Poland 620 Red Army soldiers

22-March-2022 Tuesday
IS NATO gathering troops and our burning papers?

16-March-2022 Wednesday
March 16, 2022

15-March-2022 Tuesday
Redditor about the important. Gives advice to volunteers

15-March-2022 Tuesday
The Day It Happened Again

27-February-2022 Sunday
Double standards again or it's different

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