kotkompot777 comments

09-October-2019 Wednesday

28-September-2019 Saturday
When you don't get the hints

19-September-2019 Thursday

20-May-2019 Monday
I feel sorry for the bunny

17-May-2019 Friday
Soviet sausage, which I heard about and now I tried.

08-May-2019 Wednesday
Avito and Avto.Ru completely closed car numbers on their classifieds sites.

07-May-2019 Tuesday
Shepherd named Igor

03-May-2019 Friday
First salary

07-April-2019 Sunday
In Omsk Park, a children's train rides to the songs of Rammstein. Music has a calming effect on kids, protecting them from jumping through puddles.

02-August-2018 Thursday
"b" is missing

15-February-2018 Thursday
Krasnodar judge on mats talking in the courtroom
