kolikus comments, page 23

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21-March-2018 Wednesday
What do teenagers read?

13-March-2018 Tuesday
Missing parcels from aliexpress and Russian post

08-March-2018 Thursday
Cooking books

07-March-2018 Wednesday
Husband left...

05-March-2018 Monday
Why be petty?

03-March-2018 Saturday
How to sell any car to any buyer (spoiler - no way).

03-March-2018 Saturday
South Africa takes land from white farmers

28-February-2018 Wednesday
New coating turns ordinary glass into smart glass

24-February-2018 Saturday
Repair of the balcony promised to be boring ... But then suddenly a thousand red-haired evening girls intervened in the matter!

20-February-2018 Tuesday
Division by color

19-February-2018 Monday
Excelling at Excel vol.1: Overcoming the limitations of the VLOOKUP function

23-January-2018 Tuesday
All Android smartphones can now run any programs and games for Windows 10

06-December-2017 Wednesday
Stopped and played.

22-November-2017 Wednesday
Tomorrow at 11.00 they will give me a bribe

08-November-2017 Wednesday
Indie developer accused the creators of Star Trek: Discovery of plagiarism

28-October-2017 Saturday
Closed cities of the Russian Federation

19-October-2017 Thursday
Cover of fresh The New Yorker

14-October-2017 Saturday
Modern Art.

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