kokashechka comments

[3] [2] [1]

06-May-2013 Monday
Yo, dude.

06-May-2013 Monday
Listening to rock has become fashionable. (Carefully long post) part 2

06-May-2013 Monday
there was so much adrenaline and pleasure once .... very soon)

06-May-2013 Monday
Oh, hi...

06-May-2013 Monday
Feuer Frei

06-May-2013 Monday
Google Doodles.

06-May-2013 Monday
The student won't believe...

05-May-2013 Sunday
An almost perfect life...

05-May-2013 Sunday
Stoopid Tall - 4.4 m high bike

05-May-2013 Sunday

05-May-2013 Sunday
Backpack in the form of a mailbox)

05-May-2013 Sunday
Your pussy would buy a mouse...

04-May-2013 Saturday
Wow wow boy, wow!

04-May-2013 Saturday
When someone is wrong on the Internet :D

04-May-2013 Saturday
Mermaids are like ghosts of the underwater world

04-May-2013 Saturday

02-May-2013 Thursday
30 years...

[3] [2] [1]
