worst comments
An important date?
Following Twitter, Facebook/Meta was also at the center of the scandal.
What else do you need?
What else do you need?
Following Twitter, Facebook/Meta was also at the center of the scandal.
Following Twitter, Facebook/Meta was also at the center of the scandal.
Apparently something personal
Dog loves the trio
Following Twitter, Facebook/Meta was also at the center of the scandal.
Response to the post "In Perm, a local resident was brutally beaten by migrants, and the police forced to apologize instead of helping"
An important date?
Father Pavel fights the obscurantism of anti-vaxxers
Continuation of the post “The dog really needs a home - the husky sits on a very short chain. The owners do not need it - they ask to pick it up. Leningrad region"
From the life of women
Apparently something personal
About alimony...
How to set FAS on Aliexpress?
How to save people on fire
When you decide to save
Fuck @ l these are your dachas ...
Apparently something personal
Lawlessness in the metals market
Dog loves the trio
An important date?
My reaction to modern and old adaptations of The Lord of the Rings
The answer to the post "The child has 2 parents!"
The secret of demographic growth
An important date?
An important date?
The mayor's office of Novosibirsk explained why 240 thousand rubles a year are spent on one stray dog
some kind of violence
Let it lie down
Continuation of the post "How the Moscow government restores Donetsk"
IQ test :)
Engineer of the production and technical department, we are working on the restoration of the beautiful city of Mariupol
I will support the flash mob
I draw while I draw
We cook GORGEOUS SOUP without grandmothers, wives and loans
Is this just us?
Response to the post "I decided to commit suicide"
The future has come
An important date?