kisjana comments, page 6

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20-November-2013 Wednesday

20-November-2013 Wednesday
50 ways to fool around together

18-November-2013 Monday
Facts from Harry Potter.

06-November-2013 Wednesday

06-November-2013 Wednesday

14-August-2013 Wednesday
Hollywood stars

08-August-2013 Thursday
Aunt (not mine).

04-August-2013 Sunday
Photo report from the Game of Thrones exhibition [long post]

25-June-2013 Tuesday
I could not pass by.

05-June-2013 Wednesday
What is it?!!

03-June-2013 Monday
Cake for a Potter fan)

02-June-2013 Sunday
This is how factory workers in Italy protest

30-May-2013 Thursday
What a butterfly is to a Russian, a Schmetterling to a German

10-May-2013 Friday
Children over 20 years old will check it out, "adults" 10 - 18 years old will downvote :)

07-May-2013 Tuesday
And how do you teach them?

30-April-2013 Tuesday
1090739 words, 3363 pages, 199 chapters, 17 hours and 14 minutes, 8 films, 7 books, and one story that will forever remain in our hearts.

29-April-2013 Monday
Everything big starts small...

27-April-2013 Saturday
he didn't want to die

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