worst comments
And again about inadequate clients Another cool ... that is, a true story.
What will Disney characters look like now?
"Write to me - I will solve problems"
Has everyone already opened the barbecue season?
Inspired by Interstellar
Poor guy
Tesak is in touch!
Friday :)
Tesak is in touch!
She quarreled with her mother - she went to live in Narnia.
I met these young promoters yesterday at the mall, they invited everyone to the cinema)
When you try to explain that programmers don't repair phones and irons
I went out for a smoke break at work, and there is a war O_o
30 most reliable cars
run away from bear
Moscow Radio Engineering Plant
run away from bear
The best draw in the world
Something like that!
DIY solar power plant
Ice cream - Masterpiece
Here is my work :3