best comments
When ALL the actions from the past parts matter
About life, about girls, when you're 19 and you're sitting at home.
Where are the parents looking...
Such is the story...
Death by 10,000 volts.
A post of despair and shame. Pasha is for you.
The whole essence of the fingerprint scanner
The effect of LSD on humans.
Can you explain please!
When the judge is a girl
How do you feel about long haired guys?
On a string to the world
"I don't like holidays"
About love
You wake up like this on March 17 in the Crimea and
And what kind of music should I like?
Lamb for breakfast
Government Logic
my reaction when i heard bieber for the first time
Donetsk today 26.05.2014
This bright happy world...
They're pissed off.
About life, about girls, when you're 19 and you're sitting at home.
Guys understand me
Luscher test
I am a loser((
Gray long post about burnout syndrome (BSE)
Bible or Quran?
Good answer
Information about the amount of aid to the zoo.
Hayden Panettiere
Joseph Gordon-Levitt
Difficulty of choice
Logos of Black Metal bands.
Its own atmosphere
When it's stuffy...
Finally understand that...
My student years
Helped an elderly man today, he turned out to be a hunter and that's how he thanked me for my help)
Hair Styling? Easily!
I remember...
About love
But it's true
Traditions of Mariupol.
Shevchenko trololo
Shevchenko trololo
How do you feel about long haired guys?
The crippled kitten got a second chance.
When it's stuffy...
When it's stuffy...
I'm so lazy that
Zoryanі Vіyni: Episode IV Novі Spodіvannya
Joseph Gordon-Levitt
League of Evil.
What happened?
Its own atmosphere :)
Great film!
Wouldn't mind living in an apartment like this!
Interrogation of Anjoykin.
Linuxoids tensed up and were able to run one of the most popular windows programs
The girl would
Everything would be fine, but...
Zoryanі Vіyni: Episode IV Novі Spodіvannya
bus flip
Pickups! Idea! Remember the letters among the pik6ushnikov? There is an improved idea!
A shame
Selection number 7. Sound publishing services
Interesting life.
I love you!
I kind of got it..
Traditions of Mariupol.
Evolution of music
Get lucky
Listen to my instrumental, please, friends.
They're pissed off.
It's just cosplay.
April Fool's joke and the teacher's reaction
Dedicated to the dryers!
When everyone around says: "A man should wear a beard"
Pikabushniki, I have a question for you.
Need help fighting cancer.
Don't eat seaweed - stay white.