kerulen95 posts

09-June-2024 Sunday
And a little about teachers

08-June-2024 Saturday
10-11 grades

08-June-2024 Saturday
7-9 grades

08-June-2024 Saturday
5-6 grades

08-June-2024 Saturday
Causes and consequences (continuing the post about the problems of secondary education)

08-June-2024 Saturday
How sad everything is in secondary education

19-April-2024 Friday
Supreme commander - the best strategy of the millennium (fans of other strategies forgive me)

05-September-2023 Tuesday
A cat named Zhopka

26-August-2023 Saturday
Nishtyaki with WB

26-August-2023 Saturday
Beauty according to Buryat

15-September-2021 Wednesday
How does insta affect self-esteem?
