kazanstyle comments

23-October-2017 Monday
In Syria, a Tatarstan citizen died again. Seeing off the military with a guard and an orchestra

11-August-2017 Friday
Apocalypse was detained in Kazan for kidnapping and extortion

24-July-2017 Monday
Scandal in Tatarstan: Orthodox Christians from Yelabuga offended because of a "nude" photo shoot in an abandoned church

14-July-2017 Friday
Berdyev's first big interview in 5 years: about Azmun, Spartak, Rostov, the national team and the future of Rubin

07-July-2017 Friday
Interview with a businessman from Tatarstan from the UAE: about Ukrainian officials, BlackStar, sheikhs and racism in Dubai

26-June-2017 Monday
The most photogenic president ever lives in Tatarstan

19-June-2017 Monday
Fiery Confederations Cup in Kazan. Part 2. Fire in the building of the artillery school

03-May-2017 Wednesday
Grand Duchess Maria Vladimirovna disagrees with Matilda, but advises not to ban the film

24-April-2017 Monday
Near Kazan sell mansion for 10 million dollars

04-April-2017 Tuesday
Interview with Ilyas (Andrey) Nikitin, who was first considered a bomber in St. Petersburg

22-March-2017 Wednesday
A soldier from Tatarstan died in Syria. Now nobody needs the family of the protector and liberator?

14-March-2017 Tuesday
Samoilov at Eurovision. Pity is not a vice.

09-March-2017 Thursday
Kazanskaya Shurygina: 18-year-old student sued a taxi driver for rape and remained a virgin

09-March-2017 Thursday
Interrogation of a nationalist suspected of killing an African in Kazan

06-March-2017 Monday
African student in Kazan killed by skinheads?

20-February-2017 Monday
In Kazan began chipping dogs and cats

15-April-2016 Friday
A selection of channels by category in Telegram
