karl62 comments

29-June-2022 Wednesday
Engine decoking or how to revive the dead Pedrosovich!

26-June-2014 Thursday

24-June-2014 Tuesday
We choose a car worth 300-400 thousand rubles (double rating)

11-June-2014 Wednesday
How asphalt is laid in Ryazan

26-April-2014 Saturday
In support of the tag "mine"

14-April-2014 Monday
Ryazan residents washed the monument to Sergei Yesenin

07-April-2014 Monday
Some dark humor.

29-March-2014 Saturday
Hello America

08-March-2014 Saturday
sad on march 8

15-February-2014 Saturday
Russia - USA 2 - 3

10-February-2014 Monday
The story of a man and a tower, part 25
