01-January-2024 Monday
Thank you!
30-December-2023 Saturday
30-December-2023 Saturday
There is deception all around
29-December-2023 Friday
The neural network revived retro photos of Kazakhs
27-December-2023 Wednesday
Bollywood is taking a break
13-December-2023 Wednesday
My old soul))
23-November-2023 Thursday
21-November-2023 Tuesday
Willy Wonka's magical chocolate luggage
19-November-2023 Sunday
Rus (not) against Lizards
19-November-2023 Sunday
I've seen some idiots, but he still smiles
26-October-2023 Thursday
After all, the minuses will be returned? Will they return it?
06-October-2023 Friday
St. Petersburg legal forum 2024
18-September-2023 Monday
Today I'm 35 years old
17-September-2023 Sunday
Sea monsters
08-September-2023 Friday
Autumn, exacerbations, a person needs help
23-August-2023 Wednesday
13-June-2023 Tuesday
What's happening?
23-April-2023 Sunday
What's the top?
27-March-2023 Monday
I want to talk
05-March-2023 Sunday
A logical explanation of US policy