best comments
Just answers to mail.ru
How does a tick attach itself to your skin?
Stupidity without limits
How to win a girl's heart
And so it will do.
It's time, as they say...
The first trailer of our game :)
Lenses for a friend.
In Irkutsk, a schoolboy staged a race with 12 traffic police cars
Cover it up!!!
The mayor of Yakutsk decided not to finance a ballet show worth 1.5 million rubles
I just turned off the light...
Stop burning grass!
Heroes of the fire in Kemerovo: a teacher and a cadet saved children without thinking about themselves
Dentist Tales #1. The biggest pain I've ever caused.
C programming language in one post
Doctors for the first time forced the immune system to completely destroy breast cancer
Check yourself for breast cancer
Crash Bandicoot, or how developers packed entire games into 2MB RAM
.... They climbed out!
Push-ups - God level!
Push-ups - God level!
Peach harvest.
He would have your problems or beggar oldfag