k1raaa comments

[19] [2] [1]

04-April-2015 Saturday
Such is the schedule!

29-March-2015 Sunday
Why do they really think that there is nothing besides helicopters, vodka, bears and balaykas with matryoshka dolls?

27-March-2015 Friday
incident from the past

27-February-2015 Friday
Sofa troops of Ukraine. Part #3

26-February-2015 Thursday
Art by Aaron Nakahara

06-February-2015 Friday
Part 1.

06-February-2015 Friday
Guess what for!?

10-January-2015 Saturday
new year 2015

07-January-2015 Wednesday
Cool TV

23-December-2014 Tuesday
Comparison of black holes

22-November-2014 Saturday
Diablo 3. Not for the benefits.

19-September-2014 Friday
Do not say anything

11-September-2014 Thursday
Art selection (4)

05-August-2014 Tuesday
Experienced Instructor

22-June-2014 Sunday
Do you want to play like the Germans?

18-June-2014 Wednesday
dragon Smaug (figurine)

19-February-2014 Wednesday
Perfect hit.

30-January-2014 Thursday
psychedelic room

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