best comments
I want a dog!
Am I an asshole for arguing with a waiter after he ignored my religious beliefs?
My girlfriend's mom destroyed my dead wife's things. I have no words
Blah for fact checking?
Am I an asshole for telling my daughter the truth about my relationship with her late mother?
Am I an asshole for “exploding” at my sister-in-law after she destroyed the dinner I prepared?
Continuation of the post “The Saga of the Mother-in-Law YOVH”
The FUCK that I “ruined” my mom’s engagement after she left me when I was 11?
Am I an asshole for only taking one of my nieces on vacation?
Ex-wife holds a funeral for our daughter's rapist
I (50F) told my daughter (24F) that I would not attend her wedding if her biological father was there.
Am I an asshole that I want to improve my husband’s manners before an important event?
Am I an asshole for only taking one of my nieces on vacation?
Episode Eight, Jealous
Am I an asshole for being angry at my future wife for refusing to use sunscreen and getting sunburned 3 days before the wedding?
Blah for not giving contact information to the girlfriend of my child’s father after she threatened to destroy my family
Blah for fact checking?
Why does zooschiza equate animals with children?
What the hell did he tell his friend that he wasn't interested in dating her friend who was obese?
What the hell did he tell his friend that he wasn't interested in dating her friend who was obese?
I found cruise tickets that my boyfriend gave me. This gift cemented for me that our relationship was over.
Blah for fact checking?
FUCK for not going to work better to increase alimony?
FUCK for setting a dress code at our wedding?
Another teacher on the road
Polymer clay: fox, owl and heart
Satan rejoices!
Am I an asshole for being angry at my future wife for refusing to use sunscreen and getting sunburned 3 days before the wedding?
BLAM for telling your husband the correct information about croissants?
Coursing qualification
How to Give a 9 Year Old a Personality Disorder in One Simple Step
Am I an asshole for the living room in the apartment?
Continuation of the post “Mini-saga about mother-in-law Patty Perforator”
FUCK for not wanting to see your best friend at the wedding?
Blah, if you deprived your colleagues of a corporate party?
Russian Post-2: we just returned the parcel back
Coursing qualification
Coursing qualification
Continuation of the post “Saga survey”
Blah for not giving contact information to the girlfriend of my child’s father after she threatened to destroy my family
Coursing qualification
Coursing qualification
How do airlines work
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Flight of the Pitbull
The fastest pit bull
I'm a videographer
What does aggression look like?
What does aggression look like?