juliusspeak posts
01-September-2014 Monday
Jennifer Lawrence
22-March-2014 Saturday
Vkontakte will not
15-March-2014 Saturday
Yulik in the Public "Reset"
23-February-2014 Sunday
11-February-2014 Tuesday
Vlogger Simulator
12-January-2014 Sunday
Father Frost
08-January-2014 Wednesday
In the morning
20-December-2013 Friday
typical subscriber
24-October-2013 Thursday
20-October-2013 Sunday
Black box
28-September-2013 Saturday
Generation of the 90s
28-September-2013 Saturday
Homebody routine #6
22-September-2013 Sunday
Homebody routine #3
19-September-2013 Thursday
Homebody routine #2
12-September-2013 Thursday
When the water is turned off
11-September-2013 Wednesday
Weekdays stay-at-home
06-September-2013 Friday
In a jacket against a white wall
02-September-2013 Monday
We feed the cat
23-August-2013 Friday
Gender equality
22-August-2013 Thursday
blue army
22-August-2013 Thursday
Girl for the first time "works with a pen"
21-August-2013 Wednesday
When a small child looks at me and his parents look the other way
19-August-2013 Monday
We'll go for a walk even if you don't want to