jojo11 comments, page 16

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23-March-2018 Friday
I advise you to watch You Were Never Really Here (2017)

11-March-2018 Sunday
Good old ultra-violence.

08-March-2018 Thursday
I ask for advice: how to protect yourself from the theft of wheels?

28-February-2018 Wednesday
Get Contact - we voluntarily install Trojans on our smartphones...

19-February-2018 Monday
I'm leaving for the village.

16-February-2018 Friday
car accident in Seversk region. Audi crashes into Hover, hits its driver and drives away

16-February-2018 Friday
Accidents in the war (the original style of the author is preserved).

13-February-2018 Tuesday
Women's sport without templates

04-February-2018 Sunday
There is a way out: Designers came up with protest Olympic symbols for Russian fans

04-February-2018 Sunday
A penny not only saves a ruble ...

03-February-2018 Saturday
"Majors start and win"

27-January-2018 Saturday
Delivery of beer in China.

25-January-2018 Thursday
It is forbidden! - Well, if you already went, then be kind, give in)

24-January-2018 Wednesday
Soviet posters. post5. "fighting the enemy"

24-January-2018 Wednesday
impudent call

22-January-2018 Monday
Morals of office plankton in Bryansk

20-January-2018 Saturday
Soviet posters. Post 2P.s. did not add those posters that were already in the comments to the first post

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