jellychews comments, page 3

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21-June-2017 Wednesday
Letters for Valka.

21-April-2016 Thursday
I thought they made an offer to someone, but no ...

05-November-2015 Thursday
The client complained of cold feet.

19-April-2015 Sunday
I know is power

09-July-2014 Wednesday
It was in Italy

01-April-2014 Tuesday
Acceptance post

09-March-2014 Sunday
Who remembers he remembers

07-March-2014 Friday
Stoned armored personnel carrier, or did it seem to me?

07-March-2014 Friday
This is how slark turned out (Dota2 character) (pencil, gel pen)

06-February-2014 Thursday
Western journalists are already delighting with might and main with photographs from the most expensive Olympic capital in the world

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