izoldaretsik posts

22-February-2023 Wednesday
How we bought our house in Sevastopol

17-February-2023 Friday
How buying an apartment by the sea turned into tears

15-February-2023 Wednesday
Who will next “enter” Crimea

14-February-2023 Tuesday
How scammers tried to scam me

14-February-2023 Tuesday
Summer in the house in the middle of winter

14-February-2023 Tuesday
A big project to create a paludarium: questions for connoisseurs

13-February-2023 Monday
How one request made everyone but the culprits guilty

13-February-2023 Monday
Kiev cake is not the same: disappointment for 780 rubles

13-February-2023 Monday
Has the price of apartments in Crimea increased after the introduction of Kherson certificates

11-June-2021 Friday
Fiery Sevastopol. Blooming poppy fields

09-June-2021 Wednesday
Sea fishing in Sevastopol

08-June-2021 Tuesday
The Union of Winemakers complained about the lack of Russian wine on the SPIEF menu. Is it possible to drink domestic wine?
