iralush comments, page 3

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16-February-2020 Sunday
Reply to the post “How to get the truth from a child”

02-October-2019 Wednesday
"You weren't a girl anyway"

17-April-2019 Wednesday
How I flew for porcelain chocolate.

26-November-2018 Monday
My daughter doesn't need any hospitals or operations, I won't let her.

30-October-2018 Tuesday
That's what I understand earned a pension.

02-October-2018 Tuesday
Never call a taxi to strangers!

14-November-2017 Tuesday
The best story of all this wave of betrayals.

05-October-2017 Thursday
Tablets for children.

01-April-2016 Friday
Jobs for IT people in the provinces

27-October-2015 Tuesday
Theft from the exhibition

15-July-2015 Wednesday

23-June-2015 Tuesday
Commentators harness)

10-March-2015 Tuesday
Plovo-dumplings-sausage-egg dish

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