int0x80 comments, page 418

01-March-2022 Tuesday
Where can I go to the old IT specialist?

28-February-2022 Monday
Shaman knew something

28-February-2022 Monday
Grandma, she said, everything would be fine.

28-February-2022 Monday
A package that was not expected

27-February-2022 Sunday
Countries where more than one million people speak Russian language

27-February-2022 Sunday
Did Jesus masturbate?

26-February-2022 Saturday
Not a minute of rest

25-February-2022 Friday
How to instantly delete all data from your phone | Formatting your smartphone

25-February-2022 Friday
The first laptop with a Chinese processor

24-February-2022 Thursday
Well, today I found for myself:

24-February-2022 Thursday
How I got hooked on orienteering

24-February-2022 Thursday
Forward Sabaki to Victory
