instma posts

06-August-2024 Tuesday
Reply to the post “Literary Negro”

25-January-2022 Tuesday
Tinkoff and changes in the work of cashback

09-September-2021 Thursday
Separate tag for posts-complaints

01-November-2020 Sunday
What is the point of distorting statistics on covid diseases?

29-November-2019 Friday
Yandex Plus and Black Friday.

26-July-2019 Friday
Serial killer Rylkov may be released in Syzran within 24 hours

15-July-2019 Monday
What's the best way to spend a week off?

15-December-2018 Saturday
Why do most modern films go only with alcohol?

27-November-2018 Tuesday
Offer to admins by tags

19-November-2018 Monday
A simple question about sausage

13-September-2017 Wednesday
What to do in this situation?

19-June-2015 Friday
The tow truck that couldn't :)
