inmessionante comments, page 3

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25-May-2015 Monday
Skate sorry

25-May-2015 Monday
Windows 7 typo

06-May-2015 Wednesday
Morning coffee Glace

27-April-2015 Monday
creatives, come up with a name for the GIF :)

25-April-2015 Saturday
In response to the inability to create folders "PRN", "AUX", "NUL", "COM1", "COM2", "CON", in WINDOWS.

23-April-2015 Thursday
What is a webinar?

23-April-2015 Thursday
Trust but verify

23-April-2015 Thursday
They are the perfect couple!

22-April-2015 Wednesday
Peekaboo, I need help!

22-April-2015 Wednesday

22-April-2015 Wednesday
As always..

22-April-2015 Wednesday
Careful, checkmate!

22-April-2015 Wednesday
I don't know what title to choose.

22-April-2015 Wednesday
A woman is the only Gift on Earth that can wrap itself.

22-April-2015 Wednesday
A small rhyme. If it goes well, I'll post more))

22-April-2015 Wednesday
End of photo session

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