best comments
Chloe Ting 28 years old Melbourne Australia.
Chloe Ting 28 years old Melbourne Australia.
A story about human stupidity, loans and my mother-in-law.
Lost in translation
An anecdote with an unexpected twist...
Book with a fairy tale as a gift
yin or yang?
A gift to father
What will happen to the ruble Or Putin's last move.
Bradbury was right.
Bradbury was right.
Bradbury was right.
Good morning :)
My first strawberry, especially for @zBEHEMOTH
Help me find! Wanted Fedich Kristina Andreevna, born in 1999
yin or yang?
yin or yang?
Putin is everywhere!
Envious #95
The main perversion of the day.
Posting at the request of a friend
Posting at the request of a friend
orthodox solution to an orthodox problem
The worlds are different, the problems are the same.
What are [WIVES]
Notes of the supplier 3. About condoms.
Interrogation of Ruslan Usachev
Happy Birthday to me
Spice and Wolf
Mobile built for the web
Mobile built for the web
Diet from Malysheva for 4 thousand a week O_o
Dear Blood Pact boys, I want them to have children!
Ukrainian tattoo artist and his amazing work
worthy people
Went out for a smoke and...
What will happen to the ruble Or Putin's last move.
What will happen to the ruble Or Putin's last move.
How much can a person stand? (to be honest, I registered for this post. I really need to speak out, it hurts)
yin or yang?
Six keys and one possible
Do not let go
Party tricks