best comments
It turns out that the path from rags to riches is not so long.
Happy family.
I'll probably stay at home
friendship of Peoples
Another theory from the internet :)
Everyone remembers Jackie Chan, but they forgot about Russell Crowe. And he's 50 years old today
Another theory from the internet :)
Free hugs...
Emily Kinney
Happy family.
I found a long-forgotten txt editor in my computer, in which I used to collect various jokes so as not to forget. Possible wild accordions.
Horrors at the World Cup
A beautiful goal by Rolfes against Manchester United.
WTF Gillette?!!
Dancing mathematician
Russian Quarter in Beijing.
The guy says it
Did you know?
Oh those comments in VK
Happy Pope Day!
In support of Friday's "mine" tag.
In support of Friday's "mine" tag.
Polish representatives for Eurovision
Emily Kinney
Emily Kinney
Obama to Putin: - "Volodya, just don't start."
When you try to do something with your own hands
When you try to do something with your own hands
Good afternoon Peekaboo!
Good afternoon Peekaboo!