best comments
Car sticker.
Just a toilet at the University of Trade Unions
Well, that's all ... There will be no bridge, "Roman Bezsmertny" said !!!
Silkworms ate graphene and made silk thread that conducts electricity
Feel like a young Skywalker
To the authors of posts about Linux and their commentators
On the topic "British scientists have proved!"
And each soul stands differently
Simple life hack
Instructions for girls 2. Women and Sex
Guys, never get married...
drunken door
Scientists filmed the movement of light
Post 2338469
Tse victory!
Why Russia is not Ukraine.
Silkworms ate graphene and made silk thread that conducts electricity
Tse victory!
About joy
In Lvov, mice were let into the store to gnaw on Russian-made goods
I catch, I mean viruses
Fixed compatibility issues
Khokhols got everyone
Newspeak: University of Tennessee Introduces Gender-Neutral Pronoun Forms
Interestingly :)
Silkworms ate graphene and made silk thread that conducts electricity
Poroshenko: Ukraine is ready for war with Russia. (translated from German)
To the authors of posts about Linux and their commentators
God what have I done..
Whose ass is broken
About bridges. Sore.
When the oil has not been changed from the factory
Like heroes, so are Ukrainians, and like maniacs - Soviet. Decide on heredity, huh? (repeat with prof)
Welcome to Lviv
First catch
Five points to Vovan
The moment of insight comes when you don't expect it at all
Recipe win or Muscovites will look and envy.
Car sticker.
Rail cycling
talking picture
Appeal to pikabushniks living abroad
Who is the fool?
Exchange between R3 ATmega2560 + ESP8266
I already want to cry, I'm exhausted in the search for a movie ... Help, good people, pliiiiiz!
Strange people in suits.
Auto quality rating.
Geese in the service of the army of Ukraine
A Dutch developer has created an app that visualizes radio waves and signals.
Geese in the service of the army of Ukraine
I love my job =)
How to kill a mosquito with a laser
Who is the fool?
How to talk to Lyashko...
The moment of insight comes when you don't expect it at all
Pyotr Alekseevich restored historical justice.
She didn't know anything.
!Hablamos Espanol!
"I live in Mexico" Part One
The head of Volkswagen resigns because of the scandal surrounding the underestimation of emissions by the software of wheelbarrows.
And who else?
Exchange between R3 ATmega2560 + ESP8266
Spider eats a mosquito
Collectible toy BB-8
Mechanical arm on servos
The winter is coming
You can be a hunter even with pneumatics
Simple life hack
Something like this #1
The Hunger Games
At the request of workers
At the request of workers
Guys, I have a question for literate pikabushniks ...
Incompatibility mode. That's what it means - to grow "not at ease."
Ludolf number.
Photo characterizing the condition of roads in Omsk)
What country, such ministers ...
To the authors of posts about Linux and their commentators
Soft hard seat
Windows 10
Unjustified cruelty.
Interestingly, the military of light is in the know?
Russia will not respond to Ukraine's actions during the elections
The situation with poliomyelitis in Ukraine
Jaresko: Ukraine's GDP may grow to the level of Switzerland by 2040.
A month before the Ukrainian step into the abyss.
You need to be more careful .... or easier
Europe, Europe? Europe! EUROPE!
Got it
15 heavenly countries where it's cheaper to live than at home
This video among Ukrainians is insanely popular.
An attempt to process an image with neural networks
What is it - Only our grandfathers know.
Something with something
Shooting in the supermarket ATB Kharkiv 31.07.15
Comments are welcome as always :D
Approach of a thunderstorm to Odessa, Ukraine (23.06.17).
Get the job done!
To the authors of posts about Linux and their commentators
How not to drive, but to be able to react
I'm proud of my gift. Mini milling machine
I'm proud of my gift. Mini milling machine
I'm proud of my gift. Mini milling machine
I'm proud of my gift. Mini milling machine
Got it
Got it
Got it
Ukraine intends to conduct training firing from the Buk air defense system near the Crimea.
Radio communication post
And the Prius is not so simple.
The BMW i8 looks like... ahem... regurgitating a Porsche 911 from behind.
Tr-Tr Mitya vol. 2.0
"Savchenko said that the "Euromaidan" was a coup"
How the Ukrainians repaired the blown-up bridge
Panorama from the mountain top
Acapulco, ah-ah-ah-ah...
I'll get myself a tattoo, on this one and on that one
Sticky video.
Robotic machine on Arduino
Video for the night instead of a lullaby for arduino workers)
Odessa will no longer have centralized hot water: it will be turned off until 2020
Botanical garden, source
High relationship is...
Just toothbrush holders
The project of a laser engraver on a 5.5w LED laser.
Windows and Linux from the point of view of troglodyte erudition.
Not slaves.
About joy
A three-meter wave hit the beach in Odessa
yaskawa industrial robots
They just took and brought a rabbit!
Unfriendly Sweets
15 heavenly countries where it's cheaper to live than at home
Survivor is complete bullshit
How to kill a mosquito with a laser
Smart bins vs. Ukrainians.
Photoshop or not
Like heroes, so are Ukrainians, and like maniacs - Soviet. Decide on heredity, huh? (repeat with prof)
Child in an open window on the 8th floor
Main joke of the day!
My husband asked me which puncher I like better
"Burning fart"
In pursuit of what was printed, or "Who is Shariy?"
The new Boston Dynamics robot.
The world's first telephoto lens, 1900.
Paramagnetic paint
The main disadvantage of Linux
The Hunger Games
Ukrainians sincerely believe that their army is capable of defeating the Russians and "liberating" Crimea.
The stork drizzled on the insulators of the 110 kV overhead line
The Hunger Games
Funny situation on the beach in Greece
The sound of the Large Hadron Collider
About money, copyright and pirates
Today Gepa returned home and told reporters about his plans and health, I haven’t laughed like that for a long time, here is one excerpt)
To the authors of posts about Linux and their commentators
Smart brick for a smart home
Smart brick for a smart home
Just fantastic.
Compilation of scary falls of rock climbers
Sticky metalworking
Bridge Table Lamp - Color Management
Turkish media: Erdogan apologized in Russian in a letter to Putin
Rain under a foreign sky
Communists in the Rada or "Where is Klitschko"
How far does the earth move through space in 1 year
Real butthurt
Need help from the league of physicists and mathematicians
Under the thief and the chair is on fire
Arduino nano.
Arduino. Transmitting data over the air (Part 1)
Comet Hale-Bopp
Russian gymnasts perform to the songs of "Leningrad" at the Universiade 2017
About car services
How to kill a mosquito with a laser
How to kill a mosquito with a laser
How to kill a mosquito with a laser
How to kill a mosquito with a laser
How to kill a mosquito with a laser
How to kill a mosquito with a laser
Perhaps it will come in handy.
To the authors of posts about Linux and their commentators
Chupacabra reappeared in Stavropol The creature has already bled more than a hundred chickens
The head of Volkswagen resigns because of the scandal surrounding the underestimation of emissions by the software of wheelbarrows.
"I live in Mexico" Part One
Metamorphoses of a symbol are symbolic)
Search engine
Poroshenko: Blockade destroyed Ukraine in Donbas
Delirium of a madman: Gerashchenko called debt relief a victory over Putin
Ukraine will offer the EU to stop the construction of Nord Stream 2
"Zdobuly" No...
Post 2338469
Migrants stormed a train at a train station in Budapest.
Musical cigarette case of the USSR
Bought a moped
Combat training of paratroopers))) The enemy is 100% in a panic)))
Is it like that?
And H*li...
They promise to turn the Ukrainian Donbass into a "continuous construction site." This "ownership" would survive this winter.
The secret is revealed!!!!!!!
Wars of the world.
Video for the night instead of a lullaby for arduino workers)
The first president of Ukraine advised Poroshenko to talk with Putin in private
"Zlochynets" - all enemies of Ukraine :)
Amazing holographic color
Board for cars on radio control
Got it
Stopped tanks with bare hands
Joint hike
Why is every passenger not given a parachute?
Radio communication post
I catch, I mean viruses
O great borer!!!
It turns out that you can lay paving slabs like this
Directive No. 785
Got it
Got it
I just remembered....
US public debt as an excuse to attack Russia
"Homemade emulator with 2000+ games"
I'm proud of my gift. Mini milling machine
A children's hospital came under artillery fire in Slovyansk.
I'm proud of my gift. Mini milling machine
I'm proud of my gift. Mini milling machine
I'm proud of my gift. Mini milling machine
How can they not give you a visa?
Love of evil: star "pensioners" and their young wives
Thank you Raspberry Pi! My son will have a great childhood :)
Thank you Raspberry Pi! My son will have a great childhood :)
There are never too many balconies...
Shooting in the supermarket ATB Kharkiv 31.07.15
What to play?