igorgorn comments

24-January-2023 Tuesday
LegendaNajada's answer to "How the fuck is that right??"

23-January-2023 Monday
Reply to the post “How the fuck, right??”

23-January-2023 Monday
Mom was just joking

23-January-2023 Monday
Alice-well done!

23-January-2023 Monday
Additions to the post: what to do if you are attacked in the comments

22-January-2023 Sunday
With what woman is a relationship doomed to fail?

21-January-2023 Saturday
What to do if you are attacked in the comments? And what do they do with leeches?

21-January-2023 Saturday
Get out of the emotional swamp!

19-January-2023 Thursday
The most important, but for some reason forgotten, function of love

19-January-2023 Thursday
What, in fact, is this world?
