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Fashion for the Cyrillic alphabet in China
Reply to the post “Fashion for the Cyrillic alphabet in China”
I ask for help from the Czech Picabushniki
Response to the post "How impolite with customers"
Punctuation marks.
How women who are forbidden to show their faces cross the border. They found a way out!
Cucumber like cucumber
Reply to the post “Fashion for the Cyrillic alphabet in China”
Response to the post “You can’t forbid living beautifully ... Especially for politicians”
Nonlinear thinking
Do you want to ruin your March 8th and throw away your money?
Response to the post “You can’t forbid living beautifully ... Especially for politicians”
Martian Chimbulak. Almaty
Martian Chimbulak. Almaty
I feel sorry for Ignat...