best comments
Good idea
Found 150 thousand euros and gave
A Colorado resident wakes up and sees a cougar eating breakfast on a huge moose that has just been killed.
For some reason
Sometimes it happens
Response to the post "Childhood is different"
Reply to the post "Disappointment"
Those who did not have time
Mom, there's a strange cat outside
Need help
Hippo attack
funny neighbors part 2
Response to the post "You can change your mind at the last moment to wet bells in ice water but ..."
Hold me, MRA3...
dog girl
Yes Yes
Difficulty of choice
Two-thirds of Russians spend half of their monthly income on food
Reply to the post "Aunty obviously watched all sorts of "Aliens" and on the lookout"
How to steal an electric scooter in St. Petersburg
The main calmness
Once again about the phones found
For some reason
Everything new is well forgotten old
Valuable breeds
Cute stuff
Dialect difficulties
Need help
Hold me, MRA3...
Fulfillment of a childhood dream
And indeed
Continuation of the post "Jews have their own head"
Reply to the post "Disappointment"
Idea for a New Year's table
Stomps for compactness
good day
Reply to the post "Hard times"
Reply to post "Slip"
Need help
Need help
Mom they are
Mom is alimony, grief in the family
Need help
Need help
Good talk
Familiar tails
Students are bored
Book Lovers and Buying Books
They say, I went for bread...
Need help
Where HelloRainbow lives
When my wife went to change her last name and changed her gender :)
When I thought all my life that hedgehogs were very cute
friendship vs relationship
"To fight this, you need to create your own army of trolls" (Review of Peekaboo on the playmarket))
Need help
Cute stuff
Acorns from St. Petersburg
Students are bored
Need help
Need help
Response to the post "Decree of the President, gentlemen and ladies. Now everything is clear"
Street food
Need help
Once again about the phones found
Lost in translation
As for dreams...
Meow to the cat
Unexpected result
Cold winter is coming
"In a month and a half I'm catching the same fish"
Meet Valera, he is a mukholov At the sight of him, flies and mosquitoes die, women scatter, and we dance a round dance
Now everything fell into place
God told to share
Cookbook 90s
Reply to the post "Pregnant on the whole head"
There was a theft of Pikachu, present the bag for inspection please. :)
Hold me, MRA3...
How complicated everything is
Valuable breeds
And again about the neighbors
Yandex reads your push messages on Android. Caught in the act!
For some reason
For some reason
Covid: Life Changes
Make wishes correctly
Until you leave
Be careful, Pikabushnik!A loop cutter somewhere nearby
Infernal hohocha
Need help
Need help
Need help
Need help
Need help
Cute stuff
She knows best.
Make wishes correctly
Need help
Need help
Response to the post "The Female Version of 'Harold Hiding The Pain'"
Other people's(?) children
Yes Yes
Continuation of the post "In Krasnoyarsk, the janitor in the meantime cleaned and parked cars"
What an elegant tree you have!
Good idea
Repeat .. Or a post about envy?
Don't rush, I'll wait, f#ad
Everything new is well forgotten old
Explain to the fool
Meet Valera, he is a mukholov At the sight of him, flies and mosquitoes die, women scatter, and we dance a round dance
Do not believe your eyes
There, on unknown paths ...
Books by Vladislav Krapivin. I've read them all (virtually) and here's what I wanted to say about them. Part I (out of 5, probably)
Silver ring King and Jester
Insolent, red muzzle
Mannik with cottage cheese and sour cream without flour
Yandex market, goodbye
Typical Yakut childhood. Three children from the Ust-Aldan region of Yakutia carelessly ride a carousel at -48 degrees
The most wanted criminals in Russia for help in the search for whom a reward of 1 million rubles has been announced
Hold me, MRA3...
Don't be afraid of your desires
I'm not scared
Christmas matrix
And again about the neighbors
Sudden wedding
Valuable breeds
Shadow Colossus
Holidays have passed, weekdays have caught up with us
The whole point of Peekaboo
And again about the neighbors
Need help
Need help
To a rented apartment with cats
Professional in business
I had a super taste.
Until you leave
Response to the post "Childhood is different"
Infernal hohocha
When the Yakuts from the heart nashamani for the good of the world. Russian Sky
Need help