homerj921 comments, page 48

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13-December-2024 Friday
Post #12133261

08-December-2024 Sunday
Newton's telescope

04-December-2024 Wednesday
Reply to the post "Free Country"

03-December-2024 Tuesday
It has begun...

30-November-2024 Saturday
Mobile operators have come up with a way to make your life a little worse

29-November-2024 Friday
Didn't say hello, in intensive care

29-November-2024 Friday
'Stop running around with your victory already'

27-November-2024 Wednesday
Have the banks completely lost their bearings?

22-November-2024 Friday
"Beach Animal" is a kinetic sculpture by Dutch artist Theo Jansen that wanders along the beach thanks to the wind.

19-November-2024 Tuesday
A soldier arrived at a medical center after a forced march during an exercise.

14-November-2024 Thursday
Continuation of the post "Mini-calculator "Compare the price!""

08-November-2024 Friday

08-November-2024 Friday
Response to the post "TASS: Kyiv wants to cancel up to 90% of reservations"

07-November-2024 Thursday
A bear shot itself in Kamchatka

04-November-2024 Monday
Reply to the post "Boris Nemtsov would have turned 65 today"

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