23-February-2016 Tuesday
And so the nerves go to hell, and then all sorts of thrill-seekers stick to the snakes
23-February-2016 Tuesday
Tomorrow is the best day...
23-February-2016 Tuesday
When you're not good at math
23-February-2016 Tuesday
Help find a cat!
23-February-2016 Tuesday
Mom made a hole in the toilet for cats, but now I can't piss properly
23-February-2016 Tuesday
23-February-2016 Tuesday
Chinese proverb
23-February-2016 Tuesday
Taught Siri to swear
23-February-2016 Tuesday
Meanwhile in your pocket...
23-February-2016 Tuesday
What would you go to to sell your garage?
23-February-2016 Tuesday
Steam keys
23-February-2016 Tuesday
Sloth League! You have a leader! Get on your knees (in your mind naturally)
23-February-2016 Tuesday
How it was
23-February-2016 Tuesday
I just wanted to check the weather...
23-February-2016 Tuesday
K - curvature.
23-February-2016 Tuesday
So it goes
23-February-2016 Tuesday
Dream Team in action =)
23-February-2016 Tuesday
Bouquet for husband :)
23-February-2016 Tuesday
Bazaar for powder
11-February-2016 Thursday
That awkward feeling when a car tries to talk to you o_O