15-December-2024 Sunday
Post #12140371
12-December-2024 Thursday
Post #12129658
12-December-2024 Thursday
Post #12129084
12-December-2024 Thursday
Post #12129069
12-December-2024 Thursday
Post #12126950
11-December-2024 Wednesday
Post #12126015
10-December-2024 Tuesday
Yandex Smena - scammers
10-December-2024 Tuesday
How "Russians imposed Soviet power" and "committed genocide" against Abdurakhmonov
09-December-2024 Monday
Defiler1's response to "Israel seizes part of Syria's Golan Heights and declares it a 'closed military zone'"
08-December-2024 Sunday
The end of the state looks like this
08-December-2024 Sunday
07-December-2024 Saturday
An ambulance took you away from the scene of an accident - does that mean it left the scene of an accident?
07-December-2024 Saturday
06-December-2024 Friday
Reply to the post "Woman brought her child with chickenpox to the clinic"
05-December-2024 Thursday
Until when?
05-December-2024 Thursday
Inadequate in a coffee shop
05-December-2024 Thursday
There is still a lot of garbage on the Russian land
05-December-2024 Thursday
You have to dream about something like that...
04-December-2024 Wednesday
Exposing the Scammers' Schemes
04-December-2024 Wednesday
Reply to the post "From the creators of "100GB Free and Forever""