gusman741 posts, page 3

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08-March-2017 Wednesday
Country and State

24-January-2015 Saturday
Replenishment in the family

28-June-2014 Saturday
about the phone.

24-April-2014 Thursday
wallet for 3000 rubles.

20-September-2013 Friday
Me with my growing friend

13-September-2013 Friday
Need help finding a song.

11-April-2013 Thursday
The birth of a meme. "Molotov cocktail"

06-April-2013 Saturday
Darwin's theory in action.

06-April-2013 Saturday
Well, I've eaten, now I can sleep)))

16-March-2013 Saturday
admin weekdays)

16-March-2013 Saturday
What if....

12-March-2013 Tuesday
decided to quit smoking.

12-March-2013 Tuesday
here it is gentlemen...

09-March-2013 Saturday
preparation for the flight.

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