greengrind comments, page 11

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15-October-2019 Tuesday
What's the point of working if you don't like it?

10-June-2019 Monday
Utilities: stories (36)

12-May-2019 Sunday
Weasel in Tsaritsyno park

22-April-2019 Monday
About the bund.

29-March-2019 Friday
*It's so bad that even introverts came

11-March-2019 Monday
Dreams Come True

11-March-2019 Monday
When real life is stranger than the most stoned movie script

07-March-2019 Thursday
Move two balloons? Easily...

07-March-2019 Thursday
How I prepared in advance for March 8

19-February-2019 Tuesday
Age and wit

27-January-2019 Sunday
Shall we take a walk? Polyarny, Snezhnogorsk

24-January-2019 Thursday
Iranian chess player Dorsa Derakhshani plays for the US national team after her own national team was banned from playing without a hijab

21-January-2019 Monday
The passport

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