worst comments
The last day of the Chernobyl nuclear power plant or the moment when men cry
Rest: You're Tired
Do you still shave?
Apparently he found his dream job. Well, or just gathered in one place kids with bluetooth speakers
When you turned 30, but you haven't found a boyfriend yet.
When I speak Russian not in Russia!
Bats on the seesaw and the Doppler effect [voice]
And which one is the animal?
Here we go again
No, well, Rus was Kievan!!!
The child is outraged by the playground
Obama jokes about Hillary, Trump and leaving the White House
Anime Art
So it goes
110 years ago, st. Petersburg majors bought off an accident
The wolf is also a good boy
Original candlestick
The winners of the competition from Domestos after renovation
peekaboo please help!
GIFs of the day
Guys, help the course paper on the nose, the computer does not turn on! How to solve a problem.
Spy Master
Please help me find this cat breed.
Student years... Sex and food.
How real men cry
13-year-old girl saved her brother and sister from a burning house
Got bogged down
All for the sake of science
good old video
The answer to the post "What's going on - then ???"
Knocked out the strike
Repeat after me
It's good to have a best friend
cultural diary
Oh, you are clever, you are...)
Natural selection
Civilization on the threshold of the greatest breakthrough
When 28-32 is old age
Cyberslav VS Avengers infinity war
Smile song - Tombstone Mix
What an army, such a bouquet of wines
First post. To court.
Anthem of the Dwarves
How do Mercury's abilities "work"?
Drawing in photoshop and with corrections in Manga Studio
About the ruble and the new iPhone.
Russian DiCaprio conquers cinema.
Found someone to ask for money yeah.