gore007 comments, page 9

[10] [9] [8] [1]

09-February-2022 Wednesday
Realistic Spider-Man costume

31-January-2022 Monday
Get to the doctor and/or die

12-December-2021 Sunday
Good artist - beautiful paintings

05-December-2021 Sunday
Seth Rogen called critics of his cartoon "supporters of white supremacy"

18-October-2021 Monday
Anglo-Italian mafia

02-September-2021 Thursday
Life is like a box of chocolates

02-September-2021 Thursday
Garages in the Krasnodar Territory, or why they can, but we can't?

22-August-2021 Sunday
About rest in Crimea

21-August-2021 Saturday
Warthog: The exact opposite of his Lion King image. Roasted, slender and brutal pepper

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